Collection: Most recent job listings
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - About ACI Participa
- Details: 504 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
- Description: ACI Participa's mission, vision and core programmatic areas
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - HRD Memorial (Part 1)
- Details: 642 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
- Description: A memorial for the HRDs who have been killed for their human rights work since 2009
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - Statement 7.2.24
- Details: 424 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
- Description: 'ACI PARTICIPA expresa su preocupación por la situación prevaleciente en la secretaría de derechos humanos'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - Statement 16.2.24
- Details: 537 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
- Description: 'Respeto a los Derechos de la Comunidad Indígena Lenca de Tierras del Padre'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - Statement 2.10.23
- Details: 1021 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
- Description: 'POSICIONAMIENTO: Ante los frecuentes ataques a defensora/es del territorio, del ambiente y del derecho a la tierra'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - Statement 21.6.23
- Details: 792 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
- Description: 'La matanza en el CEFAS, una responsabilidad que debe ser asumida'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - Statement 3.4.23
- Details: 865 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
Description: 'Ensañamiento del sistema de justicia con los pobres'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - Statement 15.2.23
- Details: 503 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
Description: 'ACI Participa condena asesinato de líder campesino del Aguán'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - Alert 9.3.23
- Details: 470 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: Human Rights
Description: 'CIDH otorga medidas cautelares a Hedme Fátima Castro Vargas, defensora de derechos humanos en Honduras'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - LGBTIQA+ News - July 2024
- Details: 190 words, 3 days to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: LGBTQIA+ Rights
Description: July News for LGBTQIA+ Project 'Contribuyendo al Empoderamiento de los Derechos Básicos de la Comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Honduras'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - LGBTIQA+ News - June 2024
- Details: 331 words, 3 days to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: LGBTQIA+ Rights
Description: June News for LGBTQIA+ Project 'Contribuyendo al Empoderamiento de los Derechos Básicos de la Comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Honduras'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - LGBTIQA+ News - May 2024
- Details: 180 words, 3 days to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: LGBTQIA+ Rights
Description: May News for LGBTQIA+ Project 'Contribuyendo al Empoderamiento de los Derechos Básicos de la Comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Honduras'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - LGBTIQA+ News - April 2024
- Details: 212 words, 3 days to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: LGBTQIA+ Rights
Description: April News for LGBTQIA+ Project 'Contribuyendo al Empoderamiento de los Derechos Básicos de la Comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Honduras'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - LGBTIQA+ News - March 2024
- Details: 171 words, 3 days to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: LGBTQIA+ Rights
- Description: March News for LGBTQIA+ Project 'Contribuyendo al Empoderamiento de los Derechos Básicos de la Comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Honduras'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - LGBTIQA+ News - 20.5.24
- Details: 345 words, 3 days to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: LGBTQIA+ Rights
Description: 'Día Internacional contra la Homofobia, la Transfobia y la Bifobia'
Job Filled -
Spanish to English Translation - NGO Website - LGBTIQA+ News 15.8.24
- Details: 935 words, 1 week to complete
- Organization: ACI Participa, Honduras
- Area of Work: LGBTIQA+ Rights
- Description: La Comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Honduras: una historia de estigma y discriminación
Job Filled